Telecons with GAVO

This is the telecon infrastructure used by the German Astrophysical Virtual Observatory. Others are welcome to use it within reason. If you find yourself heavily using it, consider self-hosting (it's not hard).

A bit more on the thoughts behind all this is on a post on GAVO's blog.

There are three components:

Voice Conferencing, Chat

The conferencint tool we use is mumble. There are serveral clients out there, but most users will just want to install the mumble package or get something off of

Then connect to Once connected, please move from root to one of the two meeting channels if you are meeting people.

If you really cannot be bothered to install a proper client, you can use an browser interface instead. Enter some user name you like and press shift+control if you want to speak.

Note that depending on your mumble client, the chat may not be obvious at first. To send a first message, right click on your channel name and select “send message” (or equivalent).

Recommended mumble configuration includes: check off Configure/Text to Speech; in Configure/Settings' Audio Input tab, at the Transmit field, select “Push to talk”; again in Configure/Settings, go to the Shortcuts tab, click on the existing shortcut and hit the right Control key (that's a key that doesn't usually get in the way of whatever else you want to do with your computer).

Shared document viewing and pointing

Use our little poatmyp tool. Upload a PDF and distribute the link (use the mumble chat unless you have other channels). Everyone that opens that link shares the movement through the slide set, and there's a shared pointer (click into the main image).

Shared document editing

Since etherpad-lite is a bit of a mess to host, and there are several other trustworthy operators, for now we're using them. Services we trust (as of April 2020) include:

Last change: 2020-08-05